一、本項臺菲火山海洋颱風地震(VOTE)雙邊協議合作研究計畫須由臺灣及菲律賓雙方計畫主持人共同研議並提出計畫申請。其中菲方主持人須依菲律賓科技部 (DOST)之規定向該部提出申請;我方計畫主持人須依本須知所述方式向國科會申請「雙邊協議專案型國際合作研究計畫(Joint Call)」。


1.          Volcanic monitoring and characterization from Taiwan to the Philippine mobile belt

2.          Mechanism and hazard of submarine or onshore landslides in the Philippines

3.          Crustal structure of the Manila accretionary prism and the related forearc basins

4.          Prediction of tropical cyclones around Taiwan and Philippines

5.          Quantitative rainfall estimation and prediction for severe weather by combining radar, satellite, and surface observations

6.          Geodetic studies onshore and offshore Luzon island.

7.          Seismic monitoring and large earthquakes model

8.          Tectonic evolution of the Taiwan-Luzon arc


四、聯絡人:自然科學及永續研究發展處陳慧真 助理研究員,Email: huichen@nstc.gov.tw



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