一、科技部為促進與俄羅斯遠東地區科技研究合作,與俄羅斯科學院遠東分院(Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, SB RAS)簽約共同支持臺俄雙邊研究計畫。






(四)計畫執行日期自20170101日起122436個月 (1-3年期)


(一)Laser Physics, Photonics and Quantum Information Science

(二)Marine Biology, Marine Ecosystems, Oceanography, Climate
      Change, Marine Natural Products, Molecular Phylogenetics and  
      Phylogeography of Hydrobionts Inhabitating the Waters of Taiwan
      and Russian Far East

   (三)Research and Identification of Fauna and Flora of Taiwan and Russian Far East for Biodiversity Conservation, Agriculture and Biosecurity, Global Food Trade, Biomedicine and Molecular Imaging

(四)New Materials Including Nano-Structured Materials and Their
     Physical Characteristics

(五)Cloud Technologies in Informational Systems

    (六)Western Circum-Pacific Orogenic Belts: Origin and Geologic Evolution

(七)International Relations, Economic Development, Security and Cross-Cultural Communications in East Asia

(八)Mechanobiophysics and the related medical applications [new]



2017MOST-FEB RAS雙邊計畫申請表_R13.doc

2017MOST-FEB RAS雙邊計畫徵求說明.pdf

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