• 台方計畫主持人請依公告及案內附件說明,依科技部(以下簡稱本部)所定申請資格及要件程序向本部提出計畫申請;日方計畫主持人則請向日本國立研究開發法人物質.材料研究機構 (National Institute for Materials Science, NIMS)承辦人詢問相關申請事宜。
  • 限定合作領域及主題:Energy Materials with Advanced Characterization andComputation

 Materials play a critical role in various energy conversion and storage systemssuch as batteries, solar cells, SOFC, thermoelectric  generators, and catalysts,etc. In order to develop novel materials with superb performance and new functionality, it is important to understand the fundamental phenomena in thesesystems by using advanced characterization techniques such as operandospectroscopy and in-situ TEM as well as computational simulation and data science.Application with emphasis on these aspects are highly encouraged.

  • 申請補助相關細節,以及申請所需下載填用表件如附件。有意申請者請於9.26下午5時前完成線上申請作業同時副知研發處,以利彙整函送科技部申請。

 聯絡人 :鄭慧娟;02-27377472 ;hccheng1@most.gov.tw




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