一、科技部為加強推動我國與美國間之科研合作,與美國國家科學基金會National Science Foundation, NSF﹞共同進行專案徵求合作研究計畫﹝Joint Research Projects



      (1) Dear Colleague Letter: Special Guidelines for Submitting Proposals for
       NSF/GEO/EAR - Taiwan Collaborative Research​


       (2) NSF/GEO/EAR

       Division of Earth Sciences Programs:

 (2.1) Tectonics (NSF 16-556 , http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2016/nsf16556/nsf16556.htm?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click)

 (2.2) Geomorphology and Land Use Dynamics (NSF 15-560, http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=13690&org=EAR&from=home)


科教發展與國際合作司 胡秀娟

Department of International Cooperation & Science Education

Ms. Jennifer Hu

Tel:+886-2-2737 7560 Fax+886-2-2737 7607
Email: jenhu@most.gov.tw

自然科學及永續研究發展司  徐愛佳

Department of Natural Sciences and Sustainable Development

Ms. Ai-Chia Hsu

Tel:+886-2-2737 7985 Fax+886-2-2737 7675

Email: achsu@most.gov.tw

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